You Deserve Applause Today

If I have clicked on your story, I have clapped for you

C.B. Peterson
3 min readJan 20, 2020
Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

Humorist David Sedaris was not what I expected. He was slight, barely taller than the podium he stood behind. But what he lacked in height, he more than made up for in talent.

It was around 2008, a few years before we became parents. Back then, my husband and I had disposable income for events like this, concerts, plays, one-man shows.

Sedaris read essays from his latest work, When You Are Engulfed in Flames. His inflections and timing were spot-on, making me laugh so hard my abs hurt. His performance wrapped within an hour, much too soon for me, but I can imagine he was feeling pretty parched after speaking for 50 minutes.

At the end, we gave him the standing ovation he deserved. I hoped he’d come back on stage for an encore, share one more story, but he didn’t. That was the only thing that evening that disappointed me.

As we walked out, I envied Sedaris. His essays are hilarious, even the ones that cause my gag reflex to kick in. I wish I were that clever. But even beyond that, he got a taste of something few writers ever do: He heard and saw an audience enjoying his work in real time.

I thought of what it must be like for a writer to hear what is typically reserved for more…



C.B. Peterson

Tech writer by day, writer of whatever comes to mind by night. Also former newspaper copy editor, page designer, social media manager and graphics artist.